

LiDCO Group Plc (AIM:LID), the UK-based hemodynamic monitoring company, is pleased to announce that Argon Medical (LiDCO’s partner in Japan) has confirmed that the LiDCOrapid Monitor and associated disposable products have been successfully approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). LiDCO believes that Japan is the second largest market in the world for hemodynamic monitoring with approximately 680,000 high-risk surgical patients per annum who would benefit clinically from improved intraoperative fluid management.

LiDCO产品将于6月7 - 9日在神户举行的日本麻醉协会会议上展出。

Lidco首席执行官Terry O'Brien博士评论说:“我们很高兴我们的合作伙伴氩气医疗成功地结束了日本的批准过程,并将在不久的将来推广该产品。日本的微创血液动力学监测每年的潜在市场价值为2.85亿美元。我们大大欢迎大量的市场机会这是Lidco流体监测技术的礼物。“

Argon Medical Devices,Inc的总裁George A. Leondis补充说:“我们很高兴得到了这一最重要的批准。下一代技术扩展了我们的关键护理组合,提供了临床医生在微创,血液动力学监测中提供多功能,新的和更有效的选择。“